We are a reliable company
The brand warm floor™ is a consortium - association of renowned manufacturing entrprises, specialised in production of touch screen thermostats, electrical floor heating and protective systems with heating cables. Our tradition reaches back to 1999.
The brand warm floor™ is a holder of several international certificates of quality. Moreover, we provide high standard quality guarantees by the help of multinational manufacturing enterprises, including damage liability insurance for up to 20 000 000 CZK (700 000 EUR).
The brand warm floor™ is a proud owner of International evaluation of reliability "A". We belong to the exclusive group of 7.8 % of solvent and reliable companies.
Our specialists of the brand warm floor™ have got the right solution also for you. Do not hesitate to contact us:
Sales Director: Dipl. Ing. Vratko Mikulas, MBA tel.: +420 602 731 071 e-mail: vmi@TeplaPodlaha.Com | Technical Manager & technical consulting: e-mail: technik@TeplaPodlaha.com | For orders - contact logistics: Bc. Jaroslav Macháček tel.: +421 608 948 359 589 e-mail: logistik@TeplaPodlaha.com |
Anos, Ltd. |
ID No.: 36233625 Company VAT No.: SK2021507510 The company is registered in the Business Register of the District Court in Trnava, Section No. 11644/T. |
Bank: VUB IBAN: SK56 0200 0000 0013 3474 7651 BIC / SWIFT code: SUBASKBX |